Investing as a financial disciple comes with a unique set of principles and values
that go beyond just financial gain. One of the most significant aspects of
responsible Christian investing is having a clear mission and purpose. This
mission serves as a guiding light, ensuring that investments align with your
beliefs and values.
First and foremost, having a mission when investing as a Christian helps
maintain a spiritual, moral and ethical compass. The Bible places a strong
emphasis on living a righteous and virtuous life. Investing with a mission allows
individuals to avoid investments in companies or industries that go against their
beliefs. For instance, Christians may choose to avoid investing in businesses
involved in activities such as gambling, pornography, or weapons production,
which they view as incompatible with their faith. This deliberate approach to
investment ensures that one’s money is not being used to support or profit from
activities that contradict Christian values.
Furthermore, being on a mission in Christian investing encourages stewardship.
Christians believe that they are stewards of God’s resources, and this includes
their financial assets. Investing with a mission prompts individuals to consider the
impact of their investments on society, the environment, and the well-being of
others. They are more likely to seek out investments that promote social
responsibility and sustainable practices, thus contributing positively to the world.
A mission-driven approach to investing also helps Christians to avoid the pitfalls
of greed and materialism. The Bible warns against the love of money and the
pursuit of wealth for its own sake.
By having a clear mission that emphasises responsible and ethical investing,
Christians can prioritise values such as generosity, charity, and helping those in
need. This allows them to strike a balance between financial success and their
spiritual well-being.
Moreover, investing with a mission provides a sense of purpose and fulfilment. It
allows investors to feel that their financial decisions are contributing to a greater
good, which can be deeply satisfying. Knowing that your investments align with
your faith and values can bring peace and contentment, even during market
volatility or economic uncertainty.
Our predicament
This shows a predicament we, as financial disciples, are facing. Many of us
invest through retirement accounts or funds managed by others, so we don’t
know where our money is being utilised. This raises a question: If we believe that
it all belongs to God, should we trust unknown institutions with God’s money and
not know how it’s being used? If we care about certain values, we might find out
that our investments support companies which go against those values, doing
harmful things or mistreating people. Realising this can make us rethink our
investment choices based on our Christian principles.
On a larger scale, this uninvolved investing can put money where it doesn’t align
with what society really needs. For example, investing heavily in gaming,
weapons, or media companies may not reflect our true desires for a healthy
society due to concerns about mental health and relationships.
As I am writing this, I realise that I have a sizeable investment in a company
whose goals and services I later realised that I shouldn’t be supporting as a
Christian. I will get out of this position as soon as I can.
Investing with a mission
Investing as a financial disciple comes with a unique set of principles and values
beyond financial gain. One of the most significant aspects of responsible
Christian investing is having a clear mission and purpose. This mission is a
guiding light, ensuring investments align with your beliefs and values.
The mission of money as a financial disciple will reflect the three great
commands we have been given.
The first is the “Creation Mandate” to work the earth and use its resources to
benefit and promote human flourishing. Invest to enable people to sustain and
enjoy their God-given life, while caring for the environment.
The second is the “Great Command” to love God and our neighbour. Money
should be invested to serve God and those in need. Invest to promote human
flourishing, fight poverty, promote employment, while practising principles of love,
compassion, stewardship, and an eternal perspective.
The third command is to “Great Commission” to make disciples in all nations.
Invest to help people find and follow Jesus in every area of their lives, making an
eternal impact.
**Guest blogger Peter J. Briscoe who has written the book “Investing – to Live,
Love and Last” by Peter J. Briscoe, explains how we can practically fulfil these aspects of God’s mission for our money. The book gives a Biblical perspective on
financial planning and the different investment vehicles. Available on Amazon.
Watch a short clip.